For Me, people are the center of everything

Nice to meet you, my name is Yoana, and I am the operations manager at Code Academy. Everyone calls me Yo. I am responsible, in one way or another, for everything that happens at the academy, ensuring that processes run smoothly, work is done in the best possible way, and everyone involved is satisfied with the results. If a few years ago someone had told me that I would be responsible for programmers, I would have sincerely laughed. Now, let me tell you this story.

I’ve been working with the team for over 12 years on various projects, mostly related to the IT sector. I loved my job. I was responsible for the implementation and development of new projects, had a fantastic team, communicated with clients, and also took care of the marketing part. I’ve always been interested in exploring new technologies, which is why I volunteered for more technical tasks—from finding new software to automate some of our processes to training new colleagues on how to use our systems.

When we started Code Academy in 2019, I had just returned from maternity leave with my second child. When Katya (the founder of the academy) said we would be training programmers, I first thought I hadn’t heard correctly. Then I got worried because she clearly meant exactly that. I had no idea what we were going to do—I, the tech person for whom technologies were something easy and simple, felt completely lost and confused about programming. At the same time, I loved the idea—we were helping people change their career paths and helping companies find fresh talent. It was the perfect win-win situation. And I got to work hard.

At the beginning of 2020, we started the first two six-month groups of future junior programmers. This was a turning point in my life. Over the following years, I gradually realized some very important things:

First, that my work truly has an impact. We change people’s lives and do something significant for them and the entire IT sector in Bulgaria. I’ve always liked my job, but I began to feel proud of it. I am very proud of what we do at Code Academy!

The second thing I realized was that I no longer worry about what the future holds for my children. Yes, every parent has those moments, and I am no exception. I saw in practice how with focused efforts, a quality and good life in Bulgaria is possible. And that gave me peace and security.

The third insight was that there are no limits to my capabilities. Within just one year, I managed to delve seriously into the technical part of our training, while at the beginning, I felt completely lost and confused. This is something microscopic compared to everything else, but it is my personal huge victory.

And finally, but not least—in fact, it’s probably the most important—my work at the academy helped me shape my personal credo. I believe that people are the most important—their lives and well-being, their happiness. For me, people are the center of everything and the meaning of every action I take, whether it’s my family or my big family at the academy. My personal mission is in full harmony with the mission of Code Academy.

Today, four years later, I continue to develop and work hard to achieve my personal and professional goals. Code Academy is also developing in what I believe is the right direction. We are enhancing our training programs for professional and personal development. Our new initiative offers lifelong learning opportunities. This is the formula that will enable many more people to change their lives and have a brighter future in Bulgaria. I believe we are on the right path, and I am very excited about everything that lies ahead. The team I work with is a team of like-minded individuals—people who have been “tested in battle,” on whom I can rely, and I know that together we will achieve everything.

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