With our Lifelong Development program, we help companies create, develop, and retain an engaged, efficient, and happy team through a system of strengths testing, training, and 360-degree feedback.


Companies, as organizations where people work, are the primary unit where individuals should feel good, be able to create, and develop. What the company believes in must align with the beliefs of the people working within it. Happy companies are built by happy people. Productive companies are built by motivated teams who believe in the company’s goals and adopt them as their own mission.
If you are such a company, we would be happy to work with you. We want to work with companies that believe their people are valuable and want to develop them. Companies that aim to contribute something positive to the development of the world.

Katya Velikova
CEO and Founder of the platform

I believe that every person can shape their own destiny, create the world, and make it better for themselves, their family, their community, their company, and their country. I believe that each person is a whole made up of different facets that reflect every part of our lives—health, relationships, career, family, friends, ambitions, desires, and abilities. Each of us comes into this world with different talents and seeks to create different things, yet we all go through similar life challenges and stages.

We all go through our trials, have our wounds, and limiting beliefs. To be fulfilled, joyful, and feel fully realized in life, it is essential to know ourselves, understand best practices, and have the support of those around us. This platform was born as a result of my own searches and mistakes, along with the desire to help more people achieve abundance and happiness in their lives.

What are the benefits of the Lifelong Development program for your business?

Our "Lifelong Development" program is designed to support companies in the long term by ensuring happy, engaged, loyal, and motivated managers and employees who work in full alignment with the company's goals.


Increasing team efficiency by 20% - 30%


Increasing employee and manager loyalty by 15% - 25%


100% continuity between new and existing employees.


Reducing employee turnover by 10% - 15%.


Identifying the existing and required talents for each team and developing them.


Employees and managers working in unison with the company's goals.

Our proven system

This system is a key element of our Lifelong Development program, which promotes the long-term development of your managers and employees, providing you with a team of engaged, loyal, and motivated professionals who work in alignment with the company’s goals, know their strengths, lead a balanced life, and feel valued both at work and outside of it.

Analysis and matching between the required competencies for the company and the available talents within teams.

We conduct individual tests and build upon the results.

First, there is clarity about their strengths—what energizes them, makes them happy, and productive. There is also clarity on what would be the most suitable professional path for them. This way, they can purposefully develop their talents rather than focus on their weaknesses, making them most beneficial for both themselves and the company.

Building a strategy for long-term TRAINING and development.

Creating a long-term development plan for each employee based on their personal talents and the company’s needs. In this way, we foster loyalty, efficiency, and team engagement, providing clarity on the shared goals and intentions of both parties. We cover a broad range of professional, personal, and technical knowledge.

Any employee can initiate feedback at any time from their direct manager, colleagues, and from us. This provides a realistic understanding of their progress and removes the subjectivity that exists when the evaluation is solely from the direct manager.

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